日本文化の屏風 Byoubuの感動を身近へ
日本文化の屏風 Byoubu を身近へ
How about displaying Byoubu, a Japanese culture folding screen, in a modern office entrance?
屏風は、横浜市指定文化財の襖絵(横須賀 満昌寺様 所蔵)を、440枚の写真撮影。
和紙上へ弊社のLaxerop(ラージェロップ )技術を用いて画像形成し、
絵師 斉藤海信の心意気と、バーチャルとは違う、日本の職人の技、、、を体感する事が出来ます。
プレミアム屏風 を、是非、ご体感頂きたいと思います。
Japanese culture can be seen in various places.
You can see the traditional Japanese culture of fusuma paintings and folding screens at temples and museums.
I think it would be nice to have the opportunity to take a closer look.
For example, when I display it at the entrance of the office,
I feel like this.
This folding screen is an actual photo,
This is a composite photo that fits into the photo of a modern office entrance.
The folding screen took 440 photos of fusuma picture (collection of Manchu-ji Temple, Yokosuka) designated by the city of Yokohama.
After that, digitalized,
An image is formed on Japanese paper using our Laxerop technology.
Using craftsmanship, Japanese paper is cut, and each piece is carefully stacked and laminated together into a folding screen.
If you take a quick look near you…
You can experience the artistic spirit of the artist, Kaishin Saito, and the skill of Japanese craftsmen, which is different from virtual.
Art that goes beyond replicas, not just prints.
We would like you to experience the premium folding screen.

interior of modern entrance hall in modern office building with Laxerop Premium Byoubu